In the August company of e-learning

Hi everyone (and welcome to new members 🙂
August offerings include links to an interesting e-learning blog, a return to edutools to view the latest comparison between open source LMS, some links to a variety of resources related to e-learning, instructional design, technology learning and teaching tips and a citation machine! Plus of course the od one out.
Last month I said I would update on Moodle and LAMS. Well nought much has happened and until there is some useful evaluation of the two together I will put it on the back burner.
e-learning has been around for some time now and definitions abound.There is also low level debate on whether the ‘e-‘ should be dropped. Unitec recently adopted its own definition as part of its e-learning strategy:
E-learning is learning that is supported and facilitated by digital multimedia and Internet resources in student learning environments on and off the campus.
Simple and succinct.
If you are contemplating writing or completing your own strategy have a look at
1. HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) strategy for e-learning

a collaborative effort between the Higher Education Academy and JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) ,

The E-Learning Strategy (10 year plan) can be downloaded from the link at the bottom of the page
2. Interoperability and Learning Objects: An Overview of E-Learning Standardization. This is a .pdf download

3. Cost Comparison: Instructor-Led Vs. E-Learning By Paul T. Walliker (pub: June 2005). Always good to see the never ending struggle to find out how much it all costs and whether its worth keeping 🙂

4. Edutools recent comparison between ‘opensource’ Course Management Systems. As usual, a good source of information.,256,234,262

5. From the Internet Time group the e-learning Blog with up to date info on e-learning trends and some ‘informed’ comment on e-learning, its perils, pitfalls and promises. Plenty of links to the gurus of e-learning worldwide.

6. The Program in Course Redesign has collaborated with 30 institutions to demonstrate how colleges and universities can redesign their instructional approaches using technology to achieve cost savings as well as quality enhancements. Redesign projects focus on large-enrollment, introductory courses, which have the potential of impacting significant student numbers and generating substantial cost savings. The Road Map to Redesign is a major outcome of the program
The RoadMap to Redesign

7. In a similar vein, this is a very comprehensive article which examines learning/instructional design in the light of modern trends in education.
Learning Development Cycle: Bridging Learning Design and Modern Knowledge needs.

8. The Globalisation of e-learning: I came across this paper when preparing for an interactive session on e-learning in a global context for our product design students. Worth reading to get an idea of the spread , attraction and potential of e-learning. This is a pdf download

9. From the Learning Tech Navigator: Learning and memory : Extract from the site:
“The following analysis describes the concepts of learning, memory, and the operation of the human brain. This research serves as a foundation for evaluating the design of educational programs and contributions of learning technology solutions”.

10. The virtual resource site for teaching and learning has some very useful tips on the use of technology in teaching and learning activities.

11. Looking for a particular scholarly resources on the Internet? Try this site developed by a library in USA

12. Landmarks citation machine: This is an interesting site. It enables the creation of a citation either in MLA or APA, for a reference you may be using in a publication or presentation.

13 Boots and all! This one may be of more interest to secondary teachers but it does have a wealth of resources and some very nice tutorials . Have a look at the one on the eye

Eye tutorial

14. The odd one out… a very neat/clever site for you to use your creative imagination

Until the next time
Richard Elliott
Unitec New Zealand
Ph : +649 815 4321 Ext 7737

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