New e-Year expose

Hi everyone
this is the first posting of e-learning Watch which takes over where
LT Forum left off.
Suffice to say that things have changed and I am now operating independently.
Each posting to this blog is aimed at taking a look at what is happening in
e-learning/blended learning/ and any new learning that pops out of the
woodwork and which involves some sort of digital dimension.
As always there are a hundred and one (maybe two:-)) sites out on the
Web which will be of interest to those pushing the frontiers of
e-learning. Finding them is not always easy.
Included here is a link to a site that provides info on the Conative
dimension of learning, more useful stuff from the JISC stable,
Stanford University playing iTunes with its free course information,
details of the upcoming ALT-C2006…. a must attend event. Some
interesting comments on the differences between Moodle and Nuvvo plus
learning objects under the dissection microscope.
Finally, a request from me to you…. the next posting will have a
link that will take you to a short survey on various aspects of online
and distance education. Your completion of the same in an even shorter
space of time would be much appreciated 🙂 Results will be yours if
you comply:-)
1. Conation… the fourth forgotten dimension to learning? Conation
hasn’t received a lot of attention over the years but is beginning to
get a bit more focus. A good start is from the Aussie flexible
learning pages. Some very thought provoking stuff here.
Look up Tom Reeves on the Web as well while you are at it. He has some
fascinating ‘insites’ into the Conative dimension of learning

2. JISC update: There is so much good stuff on JISC these days that
you can spend a lifetime sifting through the gems. A recent report
relating to designing effective learning activities is worth a read.
Extract from the site:
“The e-Learning Programme has recently funded a number of successful
projects under the e-Learning and Pedagogy strand, with a focus on
helping practitioners to design effective learning activities”.

3. Trust Stanford University to get behind exploiting the technology!
iTunes will never be the same. I have always believed that audio is
very much under-utilised as a learning resource, especially for
reinforcement learning. Who will follow their lead?

3. ALT-C 2006
This is the next in the series of excellent international conferences
run by ALT in the UK go to the site to get an update and bookmark it
so you don’t forget to attend.

4. Moodle and some
Moodle has been making great headlines over the past year. A similar
initiative which is not as well known is probably worth perusing as it
is now ‘free’..mmmm
Make up you own mind, after all if it’s free you must have it just for
the bean counters sake 🙂

5. Those ubiqitous Learning Objects
Well Alan Levine and Leigh Blackball keep a good eye on webbervescent
activites likely to generate some excitment. Learning Objects are
under attack!
I am reminded of an e-Learning meeting of the minds on the Gold Coast
in 2001 when Prof Ron Oliver from Edith Cowan was asked of his opinion
on Learning Objetcs. His reply is still a classic and in someways
supports the curent debate. He said
” I’ve heard of ’em, haven’t seen any, but I think they are brown!”
A session Chair at ALT-C2004 questioned whether objects could actually
learn, mind you she also thought that pedagogy got in the way of
learning. Sometimes I tend to agree, there are lots of words that get
in the way, most espoused by erudite academics with aplomb (not
necessarily in their mouths ) 🙂
I did coin the term ROLLO’s in 2001 (reusable online learning
objects) Apprarently they are sweet in the UK 🙂
Read some of the current stuff from others. Follow a few links to more gems

Well that’s it for number 1 for 2006.
Have a good New Year and keep pushing the e-frontiers
Richard Elliott
Director, E-learning Watch
‘Learning in the Driver’s seat, Technology turning the wheels’
Member of the Programme Committee for ALT-C 2006

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