
May, the force be with you.Things are beginning to take shape for the coming year. Off to the UK to catch up with the rellies and a trip to Norway. Then back to helping with the organisation of SoTEL 2019 and a ‘train the trainer’ project for China. So should be busy. Had time to look at some of the links in depth this month. I always like a good debate and strong opinion that challenges the accepted and provides people with an opportunity to think differently or even change their mind; difficult for some academics. There’s some meaty stuff in the ‘ The Con in Constructivism’ to make your eyes water.
Talking about water, haven’t needed much for the garden as we have been blessed with some torrential downpours. Good job I spread the fertiliser prior to the event.Hi Ho.
In the posting this month there are links to online teaching, Conscious Competence Learning Model, con in constructivism, training material guide, workplace instruction guide, learning transfer evaluation model, digital capabilities, professional learning, OERu, science and engineering resources, New Zealand happenings, Conferences and the odd one out.
Plenty to keep you occupied as the rain continues to fall.
1.The CON in Constructivism and other interesting points of view. An unusual Website with a whole range of opinion pieces on various aspects of education, educational theory, philosophy and many ways of doing things differently in education. I quite enjoyed reading some of these articles and there is definitely an element (actually many) of truth in several. At least they provide some time for thought provoking and reflection. Take your pick.


2. The Learning Transfer Evaluation Model (Developed by Will Thalheimer with help from others. Version 11a. © Copyright 2018. You are free to share this document as is.)
An interesting new evaluation model which has a lot of merit methinks. Worth perusing , contemplating and considering.


If you want to read more from Will about the LTEM model, go to


3. ePosts: An introduction to effective online teaching. This is a well written and constructed ‘tool’ for all educators involved in the teaching and learning environments of the 21st century. Excellent information, guides and material. Well worth downloading.Explore the companion booklets. Of course they are KIWI made.


4. Conscious Competence Learning Model. A very interesting model and one I must admit I haven’t thought about for quite a while; Maslow’s learning ladder comes to mind. Seems its been around for hundreds of years. There’s a lot to this model so you will need some time to absorb and digest. Worth perusing and gaining some insights to the thinking of others.


5. Building digital capabilities: The six elements defined. This is another one of those important, useful and well structured reports from the JISC stable. Although primarily aligned to the Building digital capability project for the UK higher and further education, the principles can be applied in any country. Worth reading and absorbing the key points.


6.From Sweden: Developing Training Material Guide:Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) Dr Mo Hamza
A well written, structured and informative guide which states ‘.includes information on the main steps and stages in sequence of designing a training course all the way to evaluation for feedback into further development’. Useful resource.


7. From Finland; Guide on Implementing Workplace Instructor Training. Useful complementary guide to the Swedish publication. Another good resource.


8. OERu. Looking for something to do and improve your skills and knowledge? OERu has been around for a few years now and is continuing to develop new micro courses Digital Citizenship is one that has been recommended . There are lots of new offerings to choose from, e.g: Dimensions of Openness in Education;The eLearning Maturity Model (eMM) and Technology Diffusion and Models of Change in Education. Those of you in New Zealand will recognise some of the facilitators of the courses, as Otago Polytechnic is heavily involved.


9. Resources in Science and Engineering Education. I like this site for its short, pithy and useful comments on areas of teaching that cause angst for most of us sometime or another; applies to most subject disciplines methinks. Richard Felder is an advocate of ‘learning styles’; I’m not. Brackets, boxes , hairstyles and suits come to mind. However, he has lots of links to show they do make a difference to teaching and learning. Have a browse through his ‘random thoughts’. Some good tips hidden amongst them [No.72 Sermons for Grumpy Campers, is interesting]


10. OMG Becky. PD is Getting So Much Better!!: 9 alternative models for teacher professional learning. A useful insight into how you might look differently at the way professional development is provided or ‘conducted’ at your institution. Might give you a few ideas for change and reward.


11. Conferences
11.1 ALT ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018,11 to 13 September 2018, Manchester, UK
ALT’s 25th Annual Conference we will bring together different critical perspectives in Learning Technology from across our community that will examine the challenges ahead and question the shape of things to come. Find out more from:


11.2 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances
June 20 to 22, 2018. Valencia, Spain


twitter: @headconf
11.3 Ascilite:35th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education.
Deakin University, Waterfront Campus, Geelong, Victoria, Australia. 25th to 28th November 2018


11.4 The Blackboard Teaching & Learning Conference ANZ 2018, Brisbane, Australia, AUGUST 28 to 31st 2018, For more information:


12. New Zealand Events.
12.1 Scholarshp of Technology Enhanced Learning :
SoTEL 2019: February 18th and 19th 2019.
Open to all innovative and passionate educators from the Secondary and Tertiary sectors and organisations creating opportunities for students to learn with the support of technology.
Put the dates in your Diary and place a reminder so you can get your presentation ready and plan for the event!
Watch this space for further details.
The SoTEL site , (showing information from the event this year and shortly to be updated with details for 2019) can be accessed via


Video’s of the 2018 Trendsetters are also available:
Peter Scott: Trendsetter 1: Supporting Student learning with Technology: What Future?


Claire Amos: Trendsetter 2: The Digital Blue Yonder: What’s on the Horizon, What next and What now?


13. Odd one out: All things Frugal. I guess most of us like to save money and repurpose stuff from time to time. If your dying to get started , this site provides a wealth of ways to save you time and money. Amazing what you can do.:-)


June on the horizon; its almost half way through the year already.
Richard Elliott
The Eternal Macademic
New Zealand