
must be getting old, the year seems to be going faster than usual. I’ve been working with the SoTEL 2019 committee to get the organisation up and running. First call for submissions has just been released (see below for more details). It’s gomng to be a great event!
The ‘Gogy’ family keep popping up in various articles I have read recently; they all seem to be thriving. Father Pedagogy looks after the children using an instructivist bent and Uncle Androgogy keeps the adults on their toes using a constructivist approach. As for nephew Heutagogy, he really knows how to learn. Just hope none of this activity gets in the way of real learning.I’m not going to comment on the new kids on the block, Pada, Poda and Mabagogy.
Garden is still lying fallow. Did manage to recover about 5Kg potatoes (wild grown). Seed planting is next on the agenda.
In this posting there are links to Learning outcomes, VR and AR, Learning styles,Google Course Kit, Heutagogy Community, Perspectives on Technology, Go Authentic , future of education, Horizon report preview, Conferences, New Zealand Happenings and the odd one out.
That’s it until September
1. The Myth of ‘Learning Styles’
A popular theory that some people learn better visually or aurally keeps getting debunked.A good read whatever side of the fence you are on.


2. Defining, writing and applying learning outcomes. A very useful publication from the office of the European Union. Should find some useful information and help embedded in the pages.
(Cedefop (2017). Defining, writing and applying learning outcomes: a European handbook. Luxembourg: Publications Office. http://dx.doi.org/10.2801/566770


3. VR and AR: Driving a Revolution in Medical Education & Patient Care. This article was released last year. With the current rise and rise of the use of AR and VR in all sorts of educational disciplines, this is worth a read to see what is and will be happening, maybe in your discipline?


4. Introducing Course Kit:Course Kit is a new set of tools to help instructors improve how they create, collect, and give feedback on coursework. Interesting and potentially very useful development from Google.


5.Can AR/VR Improve Learning? Integrating Extended Reality Into Academic Programs #DLNchat
More interesting viewpoints and examples of what’s happening and what could happen.


EFFECTIVE TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. An interesting and comprehensive report which examines, explains and comments on various perspectives associated with technology in learning and teaching.
Extract from the site: ‘Throughout this report we have advocated a holistic iterative approach to technology-enabled effective learning. Technology must be fit for purpose and support effective approaches to learning undertaken by teachers and pupils. Teachers’ inquiry should be guided by pedagogical insights and an overall sound theory of change’.


7. The Heutagogy Community of Practice: This site provides a raft of information on the subject of ‘Heutagogy’, the theory and practice of self-determined learning. Nice clean site with some interesting perspective and articles.


8. NMC Horizon Report Preview:2018 Higher Education Edition. Educause has taken over where NMC left off and has indicated that it will continue to produce annual reports. This preview is the first of the offerings from Educause. Has comments,insights and trends associated with technology and education


9. FOECAST: A Future of Education and Everything Community. An novel approach to getting education and communities world wide, collaborating: Extract from the site: ‘FOEcast is a new community that’s as global and cross-sector as possible. It aims to enable the positive conversations and solutions that learners from K-12, Higher Ed, Vocational Ed and workplaces need so we can thrive no matter what comes our way… and you’re invited!’ Worth perusing and contemplating joining in.


10. May thanks to the eminent

Professor Thom Reeves

for a link to a FREE book entitled: GO AUTHENTIC: Activities that support learning. It’s the underground classic that explains how authentic activities help learners explore,discuss, and meaningfully construct new knowledge.
A superb resource for any passionate educator keen to make a difference to student learning.


11. Conferences
11.1 ALT ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018,11 to 13 September 2018, Manchester, UK
ALT’s 25th Annual Conference we will bring together different critical perspectives in Learning Technology from across our community that will examine the challenges ahead and question the shape of things to come. Find out more from:


11.2 Ascilite:35th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education.
Deakin University, Waterfront Campus, Geelong, Victoria, Australia. 25th to 28th November 2018


11.3 The Blackboard Teaching & Learning Conference ANZ 2018, Brisbane, Australia, AUGUST 28 to 31st 2018, For more information:


12. New Zealand Happenings
12.1 Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning :
2nd SoTEL conference: February 18th and 19th 2019.
Call for Submissions is now OPEN. Peruse the various options, make your choice and submit!


Open to all innovative and passionate educators from the Secondary and Tertiary sectors and organisations creating opportunities for students to learn with the support of technology.
Put the dates in your Diary and place a reminder so you can get your presentation ready and plan for the event!


Video’s of the 2018 Trendsetters are also available:


Peter Scott: Trendsetter 1: Supporting Student learning with Technology: What Future?
Claire Amos: Trendsetter 2: The Digital Blue Yonder: What’s on the Horizon, What next and What now?
John Clayton: Trendsetter3: Creating Jigsaw pieces for an unknown picture: Piecing together the future
INFORM all your colleagues and be part of the event of 2019!Watch this space for further details.
13. Odd one out: 100 Years Ago: France in the Final Year of World War I. Some amazing and sobering photographs


September dawns very soon
Richard Elliott
The Eternal Macademic
New Zealand