
February done and dusted and the SoTEL 2019 Symposium was an unqualified success; great speakers (especially the Trendsetters),great reviewers of the submissions, great turnout and enjoyed by all who were wise enough to attend. Our key Trendsetter, Emeritus Professor Tom Reeves, did not disappoint, an excellent and stimulating presentation. He also ran an interactive workshop on design based learning, much appreciated by all who attended. Now its down to planning for SoTEL 2020.
For those of you erudite and innovative educators and passionate practitioners, the launch of the Pacific Journal of Technology enhanced learning provides an exciting platform to share your research and activities.


Have to mention the garden. 7kg+ of beans, enough cucumbers to build a raft, shared the tomatoes with the Thrushes and Blackbirds (think they got the bigger share) spring onions and lettuces forever. My Kiwi daughter arrives from England this week so she will help to polish that lot off.
In the posting this month there are links to learning environments, adaptive learning, design based research, design thinking, creating online courses, technology enhanced learning, student engagement,WiFi6, Cybersecurity in education, conferences and the odd one out
Dog wants a walk . I’m off to savour the lovely weather and the estuary walkway.
1. Design based research. Had to include a link to the topic of the moment and one that deserves far more support and application ; it all makes sense. Useful resources and insights through interviews.


2.Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments:First Results from TALIS
Executive summary. This summary provides ‘internationally comparative perspective on the conditions of teaching and learning. With a focus on lower secondary education in both the public and private sectors, TALIS examines important aspects of professional development; teacher beliefs, attitudes and practices; teacher appraisal and feedback; and school leadership in the 23 participating countries.’ [Interesting that New Zealand is not included, but them Aussie are in there, boots and all!] Produced in 2009. Has relevance to the student learning environments today.


3. Creating online courses: a step by step guide. Lots of resources like this one on the Web I thought this was well constructed and useful as a guide or even to check through your own processes associated with the creation of online courses.


4.Technology Enhanced Learning(TEL) guide: A practical guide to managing TEL projects.
Written a few years ago but still highly relevant and useful to the practitioner today. Worth perusing.


5.Technology-Enhanced Learning: One Australian University approach to promoting and supporting Technology Enhanced learning. Useful resources and advice.




6. A GUIDE FOR IMPLEMENTING ADAPTIVE COURSEWARE. Adaptive learning appears to be one of the trends for 2019. This guide might be of use to you as you plan your next innovation in adaptive learning.


7. Engagement in Australian schools
A paper prepared by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. A very interesting and informative paper . Much of the contents are applicable to all levels of the education system wherever you are.


8.Cybersecurity Issues in eLearning Education. In case you haven’t given it much thought. This article lays out the issues associated with the changing face of education and elearning in particular.


9.The beginners guide to design thinking. A bit of a different approach. Not only addressing education but what else happens around you.


An Introduction to Design Thinking: PROCESS GUIDE


And maybe
5 Stages in the Design Thinking Process


10. Wi-Fi 6 Explained? Here’s Everything You Can Find. Interested in the jargon and latest developments in Wi-Fi technology? This web page provides all (or nearly all) the answers.


11. Conferences
11.1 ALT Annual Conference 2019
3–5 September 2019, University of Edinburgh


11.2 HEAd’19: Call for Papers:
5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances
June 26 to 28, 2019. Valencia, Spain.


11.3. 15th International Conference Mobile Learning 2019
11 to 13 April 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands


11.4. Ascilite: 36th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education. Singapore is always a great place to visit.


12. Odd one out: 7 Hilarious Poems A Dog Would Pen For Their Human. speaks for itself or should I say ‘woofs’? Have a break, have a laugh


On that note, that’s it for March. April should be better 🙂
Richard Elliott
The Eternal macademic
New Zealand