
most of the students have ‘evaporated’ over here, except for those keen to indulge in Summer School. Not sure how many of our erudite academics are still at their desks.
 Been busy helping with the reviews of submissions to SoTEL 2020; excellent response with some fascinating projects being submitted, exploiting the potential of learning technologies and  aimed at helping students to learn what they need to. If you are in Auckland in February 2020 make sure you put SoTEL 20202 on the list of things to do!
On several occasions I have mentioned disappointment with some of the papers that I review for various journals. Many describe excellent projects which have the potential to greatly improve both the environments in which students learn and student learning. Sadly, some submissions lack good structure, correct English language and grammatical syntax, coherent and tight  continuity, repetition  and above all rigour and readability; many contain statements that are pure assumption and opinion, not fact or supported. Maybe it’s the norm?
As all submissions come from Higher Education organisations I would like to think that there would be a system that helps authors( new and mature) to have their paper thoroughly checked for the above before submitting to a reputable journal; rejection is not good for the soul!  Enough of the rant.
To matters gardening, which are important at this time of the year. Dug up 14 large beetroot, 4.5Kg potatoes and numerous lettuces (beat the birds this time) during the month. Now I’m waiting for the beans, tomatoes, capsicum and spring onions to bear fruit in time for Christmas.
In the posting this month there are links to  Flexible pedagogies, Capability map, Cognitive disabilities and web design, Bloom’s Taxonomy,Latest Australian Journal of Educational Technology,VET sector magazine,Adult education and lifelong learning, a UK report,6th issue of the International Journal for Students as Partners, JISC NUS roadmap for supporting students to improve their digital experience,How to start using technology in your teaching.   Conferences, New Zealand Happenings and the odd one out.
May I take this opportunity to wish you a happy and relaxing festive season, whatever your persuasion; feet up and enjoy the moment.
1. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Write Effective Learning Objectives: The ABCD Approach. Maybe different to the way you construct your learning objectives. Useful as a guide to supplement what you already do and maybe don’t:-)
2. Cognitive Disabilities Part 1: We Still Know Too Little, and We Do Even Less. Part 1. An interesting and thought provoking article on issues associated with cognitive disabilities and measures that can be taken with web design and format
Cognitive Disabilities Part 2: Conceptualizing Design Considerations. Sound advice and suggestions to improve web usage ,readability and impact
3.Flexible Pedagogies: technology-enhanced learning from the Higher Education Academy. Some useful resources here in relation to TEL. Add to your knowledge and maybe add variety to your teaching.
4. MAPPING ESSENTIAL SKILLS IN THE NEW AGE OF L&D: A GUIDE TO THE LPI CAPABILITY MAP. Extract from the site:  ‘The LPI Capability Map aims to provide a global view of the skills needed to deliver modern workplace learning and development (L&D)
Available online 24/7, free for individual use, and regularly updated, the LPI Capability Map is the ultimate tool to help L&D people do their jobs better and prime them for success in this rapidly changing business world’.
You can of course complete the online  capability assessment associated with the map. Just reading through the guide is quite interesting. There are some useful ideas and suggestions throughout the text; almost like  having a comprehensive  rubric to assess skills and capability. Could probably construct  a rubric for your own use based on the information provided. Be sure to acknowledge any copyright:-)
5. The latest edition of the Australasian Journal of Education Technology is now available . An interesting editorial on the use of videos and an article on movements with elearning in educational institutes in New Zealand.
6. A Permanent National Necessity…” – Adult Education and Lifelong Learning for 21st Century Britain. Just published and an interesting and comprehensive report with a number of significant recommendations for education in the future (UK focus). It argues that adult education is essential for the wider community, for social and individual well-being, democracy and the economy. Some lessons to be learnt here and perhaps opportunities to evaluate what is being said and what needs to be done and applying to the future of education in your own country?
7. 6th issue of the International Journal for Students as Partners (IJSaP) is available Always interesting to see what is happening in this space.
8.Another useful resource from Jisc: NUS roadmap for supporting students to improve their digital experience at university and college
9.How to start using technology in your teaching , from the Higher Education Academy. If you are not using technology already, or even if you are, this article is well worth perusing whilst you munch the xmas mince pies.
10.SKILLSET AND MATCH. For those of you who have an interest or are involved in the VET sector, this magazine promotes learning for work and has some interesting articles relating to various work based learning and activities in the European Union.Some may sound familiar.
11. Conferences
11.1. Ascilite: 36th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education. In Singapore.
Should be enrolled and enjoying the stimulation by now:-) Follow online
 Conference information from:
11.2  7th International Conference on Educational Technologies 2020
5 – 7 February 2020, São Paulo, Brazil
2nd Call for Papers (extension) ICEduTech 2020: submissions until 2 December 2019
11.3  HEAd’20: Call for Papers: 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances
June 2 – 5, 2020. Valencia, Spain
12. New Zealand Happenings
12.1 Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning:
REGISTRATION IS OPEN!  Get the fees from the budget for this year and save your boss a headache for allocation of funds in 2020!
GOOD NEWS the EARLYBIRD  has been extended to January 17th!
The 3rd SoTEL Symposium will be held at AUT University (City Campus) in February on the 19th and 20th, 2020 (Excellent vision shown by the organisers :-))
Call  for papers will close on DECEMBER 2nd; still time to get that submission in!
Get all the information and any updates from:
The SoTEL 2020 acknowledges with thanks and appreciation for the important contribution made to the success of SoTEL 2020 by the following prestigious organisations:
Ako Aotearoa
Auckland University of Technology
Canvas (Instructure)
13. Odd one out. Christmas is a time for family fun and apparently endless Trivial ‘Dispute’ and quizzes:-). This site provides heaps of options to test your knowledge and those of your friends and family
That’s it. Get to the crackers and cheese and have a Happy and Prosperous New Year 🙂
Richard Elliott
The Eternal Macademic
New Zealand