Has been a while since I last posted. I Have to say have enjoyed the beach walks with the dog and the cream doughnuts (only half, always share with my wife… yeah right!) I haven’t been slack. Reading lots and still reviewing research papers plus lots of ‘guides’ and publications about how to ‘manage’ online learning and most of all, the students.
Not enough emphasis on the importance of timely two way feedback to ensure tutors and students know where each is at in the collaborative process of learning and achieving outcomes; time management also needs more attention and effective and efficient application for all concerned.
Most guides I consider as ‘guidelines not tramlines’. They provide useful insights into how others perceive the world of online learning and what their experiences have been. All very useful in formulating your own approach. In the end, because of COVID 19 we are all in this together and any help and support from colleagues is always welcome especially if the end product is highly successful and resourceful students.
For those interested in the state of the garden. Beetroots (planted especially (annually) in honour of Alan Levine (https://cogdogblog.com), :-)) , lettuce, potatoes, leeks are all poking heads above the soil; harvest around September methinks.
That’s it for now . Hope you all come out of the COVID crisis well and energised.
In the posting this month there are links to:
Self directed learning, Worksheets, Online learning guide, Culture and online learning,Effective learning, Web development for beginners, Technology in learning, Learning blog, Digital pedagogy toolkit, Visual thinking, Publications (including Educause Horizon report on Teaching and Learning) 2021 and the odd one out.
1. Self-directed learning
This book is devoted to scholarship in the field of self-directed learning in the 21st century, with specific reference to higher education. The target audience of the book includes scholars in the field of self-directed learning and higher education.
2. Self-directed learning research: An imperative for transforming the educational landscape
This book will benefit specialists in the field of the education sciences. It represents significant progress in knowledge production.
3. What makes an effective learning experience?
Very comprehensive and useful, well written discussion, comment and advice on effective learning.
4.RESOURCE:ePosts Enhancing Tertiary Learning and Teaching Through Technology
Produced in 2017 through AKO Aotearoa, this ‘guide’ is full of useful information applicable to the continuously evolving learning and teaching environments in tertiary education
5.Digital pedagogy toolkit: Helping academics to make informed choices when embedding digital into the curriculum.
The title tells it all. As per usual, this is a high class, first rate resource from the JISC stable
6. Always useful to find out what students think of digital/ online learning and its impact on their learning . Should help shape the nature of the student learning environment and respond to the important feedback from a huge number of students.
Student digital\experience insights.survey 2020/21
Findings from UK higher education (pulse 1: October-December 2020)
March 2021,Jisc data analytics
7.Learn web development as an absolute beginner (2021) This is for the adventurous and innovative amongst you. Could result in some pretty good learning resources created the way you would like them. The first step is the biggest, from then on the sky is the limit.
8.Julian Stodd’s Learning Blog: One of my favourite blogs, mainly because of the way Julian graphically presents his thoughts and comments. Always worth visiting fo insights, guides, thoughts, comments and suggesting on many things learning.
9. Worksheet Works. Another of my favourite sites worth revisiting because of the enormous number of resources that can be created for FREE or you can get much more with a premium membership(cheap). All levels can be catered for through the creation of relevant worksheets. Bookmark and create.
10 Faculty Focus.
I came across this site by ‘accident’ There are a number of free publications which provide some very useful information about online learning. You have to enter name and email but it’s worth doing for the quality of material provided. I downloaded the ‘Online teaching strategies’ booklet.Well written and presented; useful as a guide.
11.This web site states : ‘Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking to Build Better Leaders and Learners’.
Provides some very interesting ‘sketch notes’ on various aspects of learning, learners and leadership.
Worth having a gentle womble through the entire site to gain some insights and perhaps ideas you can use.
12.Planning to host a virtual conference? Have a read of the following article. Could save you time and angst:-) “Tips for Running a Successful Virtual Conference” by Brian Whalen, Jennifer Wright, Catherine Marte and George F. Kacenga,
13.Culture and Online learning. Tony Bates always has some useful things to say (albeit at this point in time he is indisposed due to having knee replacement surgery) However, the article below may be of interest to those of you who believe that culture in all its forms has a marked impact on the way people learn and on the environments in which they learn. Produced a few years ago, I think it is highly relevant in the online learning environments we are encountering in this Covid ravaged world. Read, contemplate and activate.
14. Publications
14.1 Latest Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
14.2 9th issue of the International Journal for Students as Partners (IJSaP) is available from
14.3 Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, Volume 7, No 1, entitled “Enriching BAME staff-student partnerships in higher education”.
(BAME: Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups)
14.4 The definitive Educause Teaching and Learning Horizon report 2021.Aways worth a read.
15. Odd one out. This artist is a bit different, he fills The Streets Of Saint Petersburg With Gigantic Animals
Have a look at the Cats page on this site whilst you are here, amazing animals.
Maybe another edition later in the year:-)
Richard Elliott
The Eternal Macademic