Recognising that students are responsible for their own learning should drive the creation of evidence based learning outcomes, discipline resources and associated teaching environments, on or offline. Constructive alignment protocols must be available to the students to enable them to see some purpose in what they are expected to do and learn. However, in the final analysis:
“All control should not be in the hands of the teacher, because students would not see learning as an act for which they are responsible and would become indifferent to the information given them;
but too much control cannot be given to the students because they do not know enough about what they do not know to choose the best direction to follow”
White, R. (1988). Learning Science. Blackwell: London
It’s all about balance.
Again I would reiterate that in the current environment, it is critical that all learners(and tutors of course) master time management and effective, efficient and constructive feedback loops; constructive feedback enables effective time management enables focussed learning.
Rant over. Next month I will be exploring the potential of STEM cells (or maybe the month after)
On to the garden where much ruminating is done on the issues associated with learning and teaching; the vegetables are very obliging by not supplying any critical response
For those interested in tilling the sod, Beetroot, Silverbeet, Spinach, Leeks, Lettuces,Radishes, Tomatoes, Carrots and Runner Beans are all beginning to produce some edible offerings. Have already had 6kg Red potatoes; grown from some found in the corner of the garage. Beetroot (Alan Levine’s favourite… not)was consumed last week and plenty more to come.
I haven’t spent a lot of time perusing cyberspace but have come across a few resources you might find useful. All the material identified below provides a wealth of information through comprehensive reports and studies. Two are from JISC which always producing quality material which is relevant to the learning environment today and in the future.
Take care and stay safe.
1. LifeComp: The European Framework for Personal, Social and Learning to Learn Key Competences
A new issue has been published.