AI seems to pervade every nook and ‘granny’; I wonder how we have lived without it. Such is the plethora of articles, guides , blogs and information on AI, that one could spend many hours marvelling at what AI can, and be purported to,do.
My main interest is in how AI can be used effectively to support and enhance student learning outcomes. More in depth studies which are evidence based and looking carefully at whether student achievement has improved with the use of AI would be useful, and perhaps identify some of the more critical challenges that face the educational community. Plenty of Ai in this posting plus a couple of other links to make sure feet are on the ground when it comes to assessing student learning.
As for the garden. I’m still picking loads of tomatoes as the weather for growing has been perfect. Probably come to an end soon as the temperature dropped this week to around 5c. Fortunately, all the hedge growth has slowed as well so climbing up and down ladders has been minimised.

Kay, the golden retriever has now turned eleven and is getting a bit dogmatic about her walks, food, political bent or its got to be beach or nothing! Such is life.
The postings in this Watch include a number of links to things AI plus an excellent Jisc resource and some links to assessment approaches, publications and local event. The odd one out will divert you temporarily from your attempts to master AI.
Enjoy the sun when you can as global warming will soon be freezing your assets!
1. Teaching AI Ethics series Leon Furze
I thought this would be a good link to start with. Thinking about the ethical use of AI shroud be at the forefront of educational initiatives that in some way involve the use of AI.
This is a straightforward , well written series and provides a useful overview of things to consider when employing AI in various situations. A nice guide to ethical use of AI
2. 9 Ways to Assess Student Learning Online. You may already know more than 9, however some of these may be new to you or at least crack open a few lazy neurones.
3. JISC Guide Beyond blended: rethinking curriculum and learning design.
You can’t go past a JISC project report/ project and this one is as good as it gets and well worth perusing.
4. Integrating AI into assignments. Another link that provides an overview, ideas and guide to integrating AI in assignments.
5. The e-Assessment Association. I found this by chance (aren’t they all by chance?) and thought it had some very good resources to provoke some deeper thinking on assessing by electronic means.
6.AI and Assessment Design: A Multi-layered Approach. Another useful guise to complement some of the others
7.Applications of Educational Technology:Susan Stansberry This is a free online book which you might find useful as a resource for your own teaching and information.
I have always supported the idea that open resources provide a very valuable contribution to helping students (and tutors) to have access to rich and valuable learning material for free.
‘The purpose of this online resource is to serve as an interactive open textbook for EDTC 3123 Applications of Educational Technology at Oklahoma State University.’
You might like to explore the open library list of resources; there are a number on various subjects.
8. For Education, ChatGPT Holds Promise — and Creates Problems. This site has collated a range of reports from the Edsurge community relating to the use of AI. There may be an article that will provide you with the information you require; lots to peruse.
1.The International Journal for Students as Partners (IJSaP).Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024)
‘Altogether 42 students and 44 staff/faculty from Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Japan, Mexico, Myanmar, Norway, Sweden, Tanzania, UK, and USA have contributed to this issue of 287 pages.’
AI in Education: Lessons from early adoptors (sic). If you are in Auckland on the 22nd May, this is an event well worth attending. Dr James Oldfield is an excellent speaker and a pioneer in the world of digital technologies in Education; highly recommended. Don’t delay, enrol straight away.
Event details:
Wednesday, 22 May 12-1.30pm
AUT City Campus, The Wave Room, WG Building
Free in-person event with networking lunch
ODD one out
15 Best Comic Strips Of All Time. Bring back the memories of the real characters that have graced paper , screen and radio. There is an amazing amount of information on much loved and remember ed comic characters and their creators. If you have a spare hour or two, indulge, immerse and lose yourself in some fascinating stories.
Until next time
Richard Elliott
The Eternal Academic
New Zealand