winter has decided to stay, although temperatures in Auckland haven’t really gone below 6c at night. It’s Wisteria pruning time as the vege garden lies fallow. On the work front, have reviewed a couple of papers and reports and currently looking at some stuff on micro-credentials as well as beginning to get into the organisation of SoTEL 2020. (There’s a link in this posting which identifies some of the barriers to Technology enhanced learning). A nice quiet month with plenty of time to walk the dog.
In this posting there are links to: Barriers to access TEL, Instructional design models, 21st century classroom, Digital capabilities framework, Formative assessment rubrics, Nature of learning, How students learn, Deep learning, Reinforcement learning, Students as partners, Conferences, New Zealand Happenings and the odd one out.
August company awaits.
1. A Health and Care Digital Capabilities Framework. It’s always useful to examine and ponder the work of others that could have some influence on your own activities; Digital literacy is always a hot topic. The NHS in the UK have produced an interesting and well written document that provides a framework incorporating some useful information and comment on improving the digital capabilities of its workforce. Ideas and outcomes might be of use to you as well.
2. Barriers to Access for Technology Enhanced Learning. How many of these do you know about or have experienced? What have you done to improve access and use of technology to enhance learning? Come along to SoTEL 20202 and see how others are removing the barriers.
3. Comparison of Instructional Design Models. A well written and constructed paper. Conversational style with personal insights and comments from the author. Easy read and worth perusing.
4.Using the Formative Assessment Rubrics, Reflection and Observation Tools to Support Professional Reflection on Practice (Revised). ‘The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines and resources for use in observations and reflections on formative assessment practices’. A well structured and comprehensive document providing some information on various aspects of formative assessment and its use. Written for an USA audience but equally applicable elsewhere .
And as an outcome of the above:
Formative Assessment the Student Role
5.What Is Reinforcement Learning and How Exactly Does it Work? A short and interesting overview and guide to reinforcement learning
6. Decoding Deeper Learning in the Classroom An analysis of what’s happening in the classroom and what questions need to be asked to invoke deeper learning. Also contains some useful links to other resources. USA based but the lessons can be applied elsewhere
7.How Students Learn A learning and teaching resource:Victoria Business School—Orauariki. From one of New Zealand’s leading Universities. Written a few years ago but the content is still highly relevant in the student learning environment today. Some useful information and comment.
8. 2019THE COMMON SENSE CENSUS:INSIDE THE 21ST-CENTURY CLASSROOM. Covers a whole range of aspects associated with activity in the classroom; includes and analyses data on many of the aspects such as usage of digital tools by different faculties and teacher experience with assistive technologies. An USA report , much could be related to classrooms elsewhere in the world.
9. The nature of learning using research to inspire practice: Practitioner Guide.’How can the learning sciences inform the design of 21st century learning environments?’ This booklet is a summary of the Nature of learning and is based on extensive research findings on different aspects of learning and applications. It provides a powerful knowledge base for the design of learning environments for the 21st century. Lots of useful information and comment
You can view the ‘Browse’ edition of the Nature of Learning online:
10.International Journal for Students as Partners (IJSaP).Latest edition of this journal. There is a lot of ‘noise’ around education about making sure that students make a real contribution to their learning through active collaboration and communication with their peers and those that endeavour to teach them. It’s an important shift in thinking . Students in general have a lot to offer through their own life experiences; becoming partners in the learning process enhances their experience.
11. Conferences
11.1 ALT Annual Conference 2019
3–5 September 2019, University of Edinburgh
11.2. Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference for ANZ Call for Papers is now open.
The dates are 20 to 22nd August 2019, in Sydney, Australia
11.3. Ascilite: 36th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education. In Singapore.
11.4 World Conference on Online Learning 2019
The 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning taking place in Dublin is one of the largest and most prestigious international conferences in the area. Gráinne Conole and Mark Brown are involved in this one so bound to be useful and informative 🙂
12. New Zealand Happenings

12.1 Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning:
The 3rd SoTEL Symposium will be held at AUT University (City Campus) in February on the 19th and 20th, 2020
(Excellent vision shown by the organisers :-))
First call for papers has been announced.
NOTE: You have to Login or Register to make a submission AND make sure you choose the “SOTEL2020 Symposium” section when uploading your abstract. Please use the ‘SOTELsubmissiontemplate’.
13. Odd one out: English. There is a huge number of signs and symbols around the world which incorporate English to describe or inform. Unfortunately some of the ‘English’ is in need of correction. Lots of unusual and sometimes funny examples of incorrect use of English.
That’s it for July!
Richard Elliott
The Eternal Macademic
Auckland, New Zealand